Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Town Hall Meeting-Executive VP

At Union’s first Town Hall Meeting, the candidates for ASB all answered questions presented by the students. Lauren Keller and Owen Hansen are both running for executive vice and both poised a hard bargain for those of you voters.

Lauren is a business major, emphasis in marketing. When asked how her friends would describe her, she said: considerate, empathetic, and able to good give advice. In working with teams, she thinks it is important to bring out the strong qualities of people. One quality that makes her more qualified than her competitors is her leadership ability and her ability to get things finished. One mistake she has made in the past is to emotionally take her work home with her. She is learning to share the burden with others. Her closing remarks that she wanted everyone to go home with are, “I want these to be the best years of our lives together.”

Owen is a Theology major with a minor in Biblical languages. When asked how his friends would describe him, he said: busy works well under stress, and efficient. In working with teams, he would assign tasks that people are passionate about—he said it helps them accomplish tasks faster. One quality that makes him a better candidate for the position is all of his administrative assignments. As head of Union security and head of counselors at camp, he has learned how to bring teams together. One mistake he has made in past leadership experiences is stopping a problem too late. Two of his counselors got into a fight and if he had stepped in early, it could have been prevented. He has learned to take care of problems when they first arise. He left the town hall meeting saying, “I’m here fore you and without you, I’m nothing.”

-Michelle R.

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