Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Being fiscally repsonsible may require a TI-84 calculator

The best speeches of the entire ASB convocation were given by the Financial VP candidates. Both Andrew Morgan and Nick Mohr, had a clear message, well spoken, and even got a couple laughs from the audience. Both candidates are relatively unknown to the student body and it was obvious that the audience was anxious to hear what the two guys stood for, and why they deserved your vote.

Andrew Morgan was first to give his speech. He stressed how he wanted to be a listener of the people especially when it comes to how the money is spent. His campaign motto clearly states “money talks, he listens.” Students pay a pretty penny not just for an education, but also the activities on campus. With a budget over $100,000 Andrew gave an idea of putting the budget online so students could see that it was being used wisely. He was the financial VP at Campion Academy all four years and has talked with Jared Weikum, the current financial VP, about the job and what it takes. If voted into office he plans on being a great listener, having an open mind, and to use his TI-84 often.

Nick Mohr, has been MIA the last week due to a series of unfortunate events. Last week he slipped and fell and had to be hospitalized for a concussion. However, his absence was made up by his speech. He told his personal story of how he went to Union a couple of years ago, left, then came back this year. Why did he come back? Because, “Union made a difference.” The years in-between his Union experiences he worked in Texas for a company that sold fasteners. He learned a lot and became one of the operation managers. As manager he learned all aspects of the job, but spent most of his time in the accounting office. He learned how to analyze a budget, when it is okay to take financial risks and when it’s not, and that “money drives everything.” With this experience and a couple years of being financial VP for Enterprise Academy (now Great Plains Academy) he feels that he is ready and capable of getting the job done.

Both candidates proved of their worthiness to be voted for in their speeches. Now it’s up to you to decide.

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