Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Presidential Review

Nerves were silenced…or heightened…as the school sang "Slinga the Ink" to open today’s ASB election convocation. The hype and excitement of presidency became more noticeable as each candidate stepped up to make their mark in the mind of voters.

Topher Thompson, the lil' bro of the current ASB president Phil Thompson, was the first to give a speech. In Topher’s eyes, a president’s job is to bring unity to ASB. It isn’t the president’s job to plan social events, create a spiritual atmosphere, balance the budget or change policies. It is the president’s job to unify ASB. Topher also pointed to his track record of leadership experience and qualifications. How his passion for ASB started his freshman year where he first caught a glimpse of what ASB does. “I love God. Love people. Love Union,” Topher said as he brought his speech to a close.

Dan Martinez, the current Social VP of ASB, followed Topher. It was a familiar face with a different message: balance. “We’ve had a great year so far,” Dan said. “We’ve stayed under budget allowing for a game show night with lots of prizes!” But can Union be swayed with mere prizes? Dan goes on to explain how he gets things done in a successful way. Dan also shared his testimony. How he could have chosen any school in the country, but choose Union. He has been blessed with that experience and wants to give back. He knows how to manage and empower. Dan claims to have captured the ASB culture. It is not just about social events. Dan hopes to make all aspects of ASB as strong as the social side. Students should feel the full impact of ASB.

The hype in the air buzzed with energy as Ruth Ibuado took the stage. She’s part of a four person campaign: running together but separately. The video by Andy Seiler entertained and brought a unique aspect to the speeches. “My mom taught me that I deserve the best,” Ruth said. “My mom also taught me to give my best too.” And that’s exactly what she strives to do. Ruth testified that she gives 110% in everything she does (well she tries in school). Coopers Corner has tripled in business since she took over as manager. She then addresses a concern that has been whispered through our campus: How do she and the other three campaign members pay for all of the food and prizes? “We may have more resources than others,” Ruth says. “But I’m not talking about money. We’ve made contacts on our campus that have really helped us out.” Voters were left with the voice of Martin Luther King Jr. echoing through her closing. She shared a dream. A dream of ASB working together with other clubs to create a distinct atmosphere, a dream of Slinga de Ink being sung all over the world and a dream of a better ASB.

The speeches ranged from typical to thought-provoking. The clutter of campaign posters is starting to fade into the background. So who did make their mark?
-Kelly Phipps

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